Vox Filters
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Vox Filters - Compliance - Ctec

Vox has as main goal, the maintenance of the honest and upstanding conduct of its administrative and operational practices, which provides a respectful and sustainable relationship with its many kinds of interest publics, such as, employees, shareholders, suppliers, customers, partners, community and government.
Based on this model of relationship and inside its culture focused on the management excellence, Vox has started in 2015 a Compliance project - C-Tec, aiming to spread the internal-controls culture, eliminating risks and keeping rapport with the law and its inner standards.
The Compliance in Vox is a commitment of all its employees and managers. C-Tec covered, among others, the creation of an Internal Control And Compliace Committee - ICCC, the establishment of policies, the revision of the existing ones, the continous empowerment work to ensure the guidelines alignment and a denouncement channel provision, which is independent, impartial and opened to all its kinds of public to denounce suspicious or identified misappropriations and irrregularities related to the Law, Ethics or Conduct by those who act in the Company's name.

Denouncement Channel

Denouncement ways
In all the channels bellow will be generated a follow up protocol. Use this tool consciously so as to keep the process' reliability.

Phone 0800-740-8020
Free call from any site in Brazil, from Monday do Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

E-mail: canaldedenuncias.tecfil@iaudit.com.br

Denouncement Eletronic Form

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